The inaugural Audit and Assurance for Listed and Non-Listed Entities Conference (AALNEC) is being hosted by Deakin Business School, Department of Accounting and the Auditing Special Interest Group (ASIG) of the British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA).
AALNEC is a premier event for academics and non-academic delegates who wish to hear keynote speakers and international presenters, representing the international auditing academia, accounting professionals in practice and in business and the standard setters and regulatory bodies. AALNEC will provide critical exposure to significant emergent research, as well as addressing today's current issues and trends in the worldwide arena.
Keynote speakers
Professor W. Robert Knechel, University of Florida
Mr Amir Ghandar, CAANZ
Other presenters
Mr Bill Edge, FRC
Professor Roger Simnett, AuAASB
Mr Michael Bray, KPMG
The three panel sessions combining academics and practitioners will cover topics such as:
Assurance of integrated reporting
The nature of assurance of non-listed Entities and regulatory challenges
The future of audit (data analytics, audit quality).