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AHRI National Convention and Exhibition

Find us at this year's AHRI National Convention and Exhibition in Melbourne.

Deakin Business School will be attending this year's Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) National Convention and Exhibition in Melbourne on August 28-30. If you are interested in advancing your career in Human Resource Management, head down to Booth 76 and speak with Jessica Somers, Dr Justine Ferrer (Director of Teaching), senior lecturers Dr John Molineux, Dr Connie Zheng and Dr Kerrie Saville about our courses and how we can help you.

Deakin’s Master of Human Resources Management is accredited by AHRI and is a specialised course designed to provide enhanced qualifications for graduates in business, government and industry. Graduates may be eligible for entry into the AHRI Practising Certification (APC) Program.

Experience Australia’s biggest HR exhibition showcasing the latest HR and people management products and services from over 100 exhibiting organisations. The exhibition at the AHRI National Convention is a great place to discover new and innovative ideas to help tackle organisational challenges, build your professional network and receive exclusive offers and pricing on HR products and services. All National Convention delegates have access to the exhibition as part of their registration.

AHRI members benefit from discounted pricing when they register for the National Convention and Exhibition. Additional discounts are available for student members, not-for-profit organisations and those travelling from a distant location.