Alex Levin is already reaping personal and professional rewards.
Although only half-way through his Deakin’s Master of Business Administration (MBA), Alex Levin is already notching up some remarkable study experience: he’s tackled the high seas in a tall ship, explored some of the USA’s economic powerhouse cities and is soon heading to India to explore more of the international business stage.
‘I cannot stress enough how much these study experiences have changed me and enhanced my study experience,’ he says. ‘What can be better than honing your leadership skills whilst sailing rough seas of Tasman on a tall ship? This is ultimate practical experience to better absorb theory learnt in a classroom. And visiting the USA with Deakin students was an absolute eye opener. Where else can someone get so much exposure to world-class businesses willing to share and teach you their experience and knowledge? Only on Deakin study tour.’
Describing himself as ‘someone who dropped out of school’, Alex decided to embark on a Deakin MBA after 20 years of industry experience. Now employed with a large Melbourne-based engineering company, he’s currently working on the construction of a new Melbourne train and already putting his MBA learning into practice.
‘I am involved with setting up assembly line of this new train and so far, the skillset that I’ve acquired in my studies is very useful in my everyday work – especially leadership skills project management and marketing.’
To improve his analytical and managerial skills, Alex wanted to expand his knowledge in marketing, management, leadership, finance and economics. When looking for a postgraduate program, he discovered that Deakin’s MBA program not only matched the exact set of skills he was looking for but also offered him flexibility.
‘A work colleague had studied at Deakin so I researched more about the MBA program and really liked the way the course was offered with its great flexibility and choice of units. It’s very well suited for working professionals and this really helps to find a balance between work, studies and family,’ he says.
One of the aspects Alex has most enjoyed about the course is the broad range of practical ‘tools’ that he says are broadening his personal and professional horizons.
‘The studies have changed my personality, helped me to better understand myself – and the people around me – and importantly, helped me to build confidence.’
Working fulltime with the added responsibilities of young family, Alex says it’s very satisfying to simply work successfully through a postgraduate program.
‘I am quickly approaching half of my MBA program and this is very rewarding when I think how I managed to combine this with full time work and a family with two young kids. I’ve been able to access my studies via cloud, campus and residential units. Deakin’s online delivery allows students to find much-needed balance between work and studies,’ he explains.
With the knowledge, experience and skills that Alex has already acquired, he believes that the ‘sky’s the limit’ for his future career opportunities.
‘I feel more competent and confident to take senior roles requiring managerial and leadership skills. Education and knowledge are liberating and, from many perspectives, can make you a completely different person. University studies deliver important skills that you can use in everyday life and work. It doesn’t matter what the job or task is – you’re well equipped to deal with it.’