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Qualified agribusiness graduates are in big demand

New Food and Agribusiness major to commence at Warrnambool

Agribusiness companies including the major accounting and financial institutions are seeking graduates with critical business capabilities from resource management, agritech to skills in managing global climate challenges across the agricultural supply chain.

According to a 2016 Food and Agribusiness data profile by the Federal Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, the gross value added of the sector was worth $53.9 billion, with approximately 178,500 businesses.

Furthermore the Australian Skills Shortage List published in March 2017 by the Federal Department of Employment, lists the occupation of ‘Agricultural Consultant/Scientist’ as one of 41 occupations nationally experiencing shortages or recruitment difficulties.

There is a clear demand for tertiary-qualified graduates to fill a variety of business and management roles in food, fibre and agribusiness.

Enrol to start in 2018

You can enrol first in 2018 for the Bachelor of Commerce to gain the business foundation you need, which is a common first year for all Commerce students. From 2019, you will be able to specialise and enrol in the new Food and Agribusiness major sequence.

Get ahead with the Bachelor of Commerce

You will gain the technical skills and professional capabilities to be a confident business leader for today and the future. You will develop into a career chameleon with the Bachelor of Commerce, easily adapting to the rapidly-changing and dynamic global business environment.

Students can enrich their studies with a range of international and domestic internships, volunteer experiences, exchange and overseas study programs, while gaining credit towards their degree.

You can take advantage of our student mentor program to help you succeed at university, and access our career centre, which hosts a wealth of information to ensure you are well prepared for your career and life after university.

Find out more about the Bachelor of Commerce. http://www.deakin.edu.au/course/bachelor-commerce

A summary of the proposed units (subject to change) in the Food and Agribusiness major in the Bachelor of Commerce degree, are as follows:

  • The Global Economy: this unit provides students with an understanding of the Australian economic system within the world economy and an ability to identify and assess current macroeconomic problems and policies. The unit provides insights for evaluating the workings and impacts of monetary and fiscal policy and how central banks and treasuries conduct such policies.
  • Agribusiness Resource Management: his unit deals with the fundamental principles of managing food and agribusiness and other natural resource-based businesses. Included are the impact that domestic and international commodity markets and uncertain weather events have on business profitability.
  • Agribusiness Technology: the food and agibusinesses sector continues to deal with the production challenges that have long existed within the sector; there is now also a need for farmers and their advisers to manage operations in an ever-more variable climate. This unit explores these issues and the application and effect that new and emerging technologies are having in the sector.
  • Work Integrated Learning: this unit aims to provide students with an opportunity to undertake an internship, with an approved organisation, as a means to develop the student’s knowledge, generic skills and graduate attributes that enhance future employment.
  • Strategic Supply Chain Management: the growing global economy has redefined the dynamics of competition for modern organisations, with product life-cycles shortening and worldwide commercial competition increasing. This unit provides students with an understanding of how to develop world class supply chains and operations through effective logistics management and collaborative initiatives.
  • Agribusiness Governance: this unit introduces students to major issues and practices in the governance of food and agribusiness industries. Students will undertake analysis, implementation and monitoring of existing strategies and tactics for enterprises and associated activities in agribusiness.
  • Global Challenges: Food, Water & Climate: the purpose of this unit is to introduce students to sustainable natural resource management, including the underlying principles of natural resource allocation and use. The global impact of the human population on land, food and energy resources is investigated and the key influences on Australia's agricultural and natural resources including climate, fauna, flora, soil and water are examined.
  • Applied Business Project: this unit involves students undertaking an industry-based information systems pilot project. Projects will involve project management, business or systems analysis, systems development or business case development. Students will be placed into a project team on the basis of their skills and experience and each team will be assigned a client. The unit also covers project management theory and techniques and provides students with the opportunity to apply the theory to their allocated project.
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