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Gender Equality in the Australian Screen Industry forum

An event for Arts and Cultural Management students.

Are you confused about the plethora of "gender balance" initiatives our Federal and State screen funding bodies have announced in the last 2 years?

As a woman filmmaker, do you understand why these initiatives are necessary and how to access this funding? Do you know which funding organisations are offering the best deal? And more importantly, how effective have the various models been so far?

These are all issues we hope our panel of experts will be able to address at a forum with Q&A which WIFT(Vic) has organised for our members and other screen industry participants. Renowned film industry commentator Deb Verhoeven‏ joins her colleague from Deakin University Dr Amanda Coles and Dr Radha O'Meara from Melbourne University to discuss these issues and answer your questions.

This event is FREE for WIFT Victoria members (or join on the night); $5 for others. Please arrive by 5:45 PM for entry.

Seating is limited so RSVPs are essential to wiftvic.info@gmail.com by Monday evening 10 July. 

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