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Interested in taking your studies overseas? We can help!

The opportunity to undertake an internship can literally change a student’s life.'

Employers and industry partners have shared with Deakin Business School (DBS) that students who participate in internships – and particularly overseas internships – increase their chances of employment before graduation.

DBS Associate Professor Kerrie Bridson says students can gain exposure and experience in number of different countries to increase sought-after employability skills through undertaking any of the internships available through DBS.

‘The opportunity to undertake an internship can literally change a student’s life,’ Assoc. Prof. Bridson explains.

‘We offer many opportunities for students to travel across the globe on programs which can extend your major of study or compliment it. Our students develop critical skills in learning about themselves as well as about other cultures and start to build a global professional network.

‘Gaining experience in the real-world outside of our domestic shores can open up doors that students may never have even thought of. International business experiences are a key way to differentiate yourself in a very crowded graduate market.’

A group of DBS students who recently returned from Penang, where they participated in the Malaysia Team Internship, reiterates Assoc. Prof. Bridson’s thoughts by stating that the internship was ‘an unforgettable trip with lots of memories and stories’. They also said they ‘couldn’t have had a better time’.

If you are ready to take your studies overseas, there are plenty of opportunities and grants on offer.

2016 DBS mobility grants

DBS, along with the Deakin Global Student Mobility team encourages students to apply for any of the amazing experiential learning opportunities via a short-term program during Trimester 3.

The school is offering over 150 grants of up to A$1500 in value, across a number of partner universities in Sweden, Denmark, Budapest, Germany, China, Korea and more.

Assisting students to improve their employability through gaining valuable international experiences, each one of these opportunities has been designed to specifically complement degrees and majors and can also enable students to fast-track the completion of their degree.

The programs also vary in duration, which enables students to extend their overseas stay and develop enhanced cultural awareness.

Additional funding opportunities

The faculty will allocate all students a $1000 cash grant. This brings the total cost of the program to $2000, which includes flights, accommodation, activities, daily breakfast, travel insurance, lecturers and internal travel. For more on this opportunity students can apply at the Study Aboard page.

Further information

Support grants are awarded on a first-in, first-served basis to eligible students* who submit a completed application.

Students may also be eligible for OS Help, a loan of A$6470 for non-Asia destinations and A$7764 for Asia-bound students, available to support students participating in international study.

The following information sessions will be held across our campuses for students to learn more about these opportunities and to have your course plan assessed by a student adviser.

Please note, you do not need to have your course checked by a student adviser prior to submitting your application, this can be done at a later date or at one of the information sessions.

Geelong Waterfront Campus
Tuesday 2 August
D2.193 (Percy Baxter)

Burwood Campus
Wednesday 3 August
LT4 B3.05

*You must be enrolled in a Deakin Business School degree. You must be taking a Deakin Business School unit for credit. You must not have received a travel grant from another university division (however, this does not include OS-Help). If you have already applied for an applicable short term program you are eligible to be considered for funding. You must have completed a full application to be considered for the grant. One grant is available per student. Eligibility criteria also applies to NCP grants and OS Help funding. 

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