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Liz Tehan on entrepreneurship and starting online businesses

Deakin Commerce Alumni Professional Development Event

After working for over 20 years as a Business Technologist for a number of large publicly listed companies, Liz Tehan decided to see whether she had what it took to launch and run her own business. Seeking to make online shopping easier, more inspiring and rewarding, Set That went live in 2013 as a social shopping hub. It brings together over one million products from more than 100 global iconic stores to a single website. The technology that was developed has now also been used by other online publishers to build stronger engagement within their community around social styling and shopping. It also allows them to commercialise what was previously static data through what is called native advertising.

After recognising the rollercoaster ride of building and running a business came with very little support for entrepreneurs, Liz subsequently launched a second company, The Wise Tribe, to share her learnings, and help guide other budding entrepreneurs. Liz will speak about the steps she took to build and launch both her companies, the mistakes she made and what she wishes she knew before she started.