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Dean’s Merit List 2015

Celebrating outstanding achievements of both undergraduate and postgraduate business students.

Held annually, the Dean’s Merit List is one of the most anticipated occasions on the events calendar and champions those, whose academic performance throughout their coursework degrees qualified them for inclusion on this exclusive list.

In April, Professor Mike Ewing, Pro Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean, Faculty of Business and Law, hosted a reception for 60 undergraduate and postgraduate students each, who earned a place on the 2015 Dean’s Merit List at the RACV City Club.

During the evening the prestigious Geoff Neilson prize for the highest achieving Bachelor of Commerce student undertaking third year study at the Geelong Waterfront Campus and the DeakinPrime Business internship prize for the best two students undertaking Business Internship units in 2014, were also awarded.

Congratulations to all award winners!

All awardees included in the 2015 Dean’s Merit List can be viewed via our undergraduate and postgraduate listings.

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