Making room in a full life for a financial advising career

People | February 7, 2025 Financial planning, farming and FAAA University Student of the Year: Emma McKenzie’s winning approach is a lesson for us all

Creating new international learning opportunities in Business and Law

Uncategorized | December 16, 2024 How do you provide international learning experiences for students when travel is off the cards? Online collaborations are the answer, and Deakin’s Business and Law academics have been working with international colleagues to create new opportunities.

‘Why I chose to set up a scholarship’

People | November 26, 2024 There’s a motto that financial planner Aaron Whitehead likes to follow – when much is given, much is required. ‘It’s a sense of wanting to give back,’ he explains. It’s that sort of thinking which led him to set up the Matilda Whitehead Financial Planning Scholarship.
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Turning information into key business assets
Too much on our plates
Deakin Business and Law Charity Golf Day
Telstra Trading Room wins gold
Tax deadline approaching – seven deadly sins
Welcome to the Bachelor of Commerce
Changing lifestyles: how Australians are choosing to live today
How to treat your exams like a business
Demystifying money – a way ahead for more Indigenous accountants
Social Marketing and Behaviour Change: Applying What Works
2015 Whitehorse program a big success
Jane Hahn shares her top 10 employability tips