Creating new international learning opportunities in Business and Law

Uncategorized | December 16, 2024 How do you provide international learning experiences for students when travel is off the cards? Online collaborations are the answer, and Deakin’s Business and Law academics have been working with international colleagues to create new opportunities.

‘Why I chose to set up a scholarship’

People | November 26, 2024 There’s a motto that financial planner Aaron Whitehead likes to follow – when much is given, much is required. ‘It’s a sense of wanting to give back,’ he explains. It’s that sort of thinking which led him to set up the Matilda Whitehead Financial Planning Scholarship.

Leadership is in our DNA – bringing industry and academics into dialogue

Event, Research | November 20, 2024 On November 11 Deakin Business School hosted academics and industry leaders to exchange knowledge and insight on contemporary leadership challenges and impact creation.
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Helping Geelong small businesses develop successful business plans 
Jill Absolom’s unconventional path to business success
Is the Reserve Bank feeding inflation? A Deakin economist investigates
Vancouver, Canada
Deakin Business students – strong competitors on the global stage
Masters students making a real difference with World Vision
DeakinCo. joins Deakin Business School
Europe Study Tour Now Open for MBA Students
The first graduates from Deakin's Graduate Certificate of Recruitment and Talent Acquisition.
First graduates emerge from Deakin’s new Graduate Certificate of Recruitment and Talent Acquisition
Research finds billions awarded by Commonwealth in non-competitive grants
Deakin’s MarTech Lab partners with RawSpark
New Columbo Plan (NCP) supports Deakin Business School students to undertake work-integrated learning study tours in Japan & Vietnam
Reimagined Master of Business (Marketing) offers marketing professionals state-of-the-art technology skills